For the purpose of safety, dignity, and enjoyment, Pacific Crest Cemetery has instituted the following rules for all visitors and families:
ADMISSION TO CEMETERY. This Cemetery reserves the right to compel all persons coming to the cemetery to present proper identification to the gatekeeper for examination. Also all vehicles may be compelled to be brought to a full stop at the entrance, and further, this Cemetery reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone not a lot owner or relative of a person interred in said cemetery, and to refuse the use of any of the cemetery facilities at any time to a person or persons whom the management may deem objectionable to the best interests of the cemetery.
The manager and such other employees as the Cemetery may designate shall have the authority to enforce all rules and regulations and may exclude from the property of the cemetery any person violating the same. The manager and his staff shall have charge of the grounds and buildings and at all times shall have supervision and control of all persons in the cemetery, including the conduct of funerals, traffic, employees, plot owners and visitors.
HOLIDAYS. No interments, disinterments, removals, cremation, or interment service shall be permitted on Sundays, or on any of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day.
HOURS. The cemetery grounds shall be open from 8am to Sundown seven days a week. The offices shall be open from 8am to 5pm Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays.
(1) Floral Regulations. No flower receptacles may be placed on any plot or in any mausoleum or columbarium unless approved by the Cemetery and they shall be of metal of approved size and design and set wholly beneath the level of the lawn. Such receptacles may be purchased from and placed by the Cemetery.
The Cemetery shall have the right to remove all flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, or plants of any kind from the cemetery and shall not be liable for floral pieces, baskets or frames in which such floral pieces are attached or responsible for plants of any kind damaged by the elements, thieves, vandals or by other causes beyond its control. The Cemetery reserves the right to prevent the removal of any flowers, floral designs, trees, shrubs or plants of any kind unless it gives its consent.
(2) Artificial Flowers. Artificial flowers, potted plants, wreaths and other decorations except fresh flowers or greenery placed in regular lawn vases are not permitted except over holidays. Such decorations will be removed after the holiday. Families wishing to recover them should pick them up before the holiday concludes.
(1) Photographs, souvenirs, wreaths or any personal adornments or emblems are prohibited on any niche or crypt front.
(2) All inscriptions, nameplates, and urns for crypts and niches are subject to the approval of the Cemetery.
(3) Only one memorial urn may be placed in a glass-front niche, excepting companion niches designed for two urns, and all remains placed inside glass-front niches must be in a sealed metal container.
All improvements or alterations of individual property in the cemetery shall be under the direction of and subject to the approval of the management; and, should they be made without its written consent, the management shall have the right to remove, alter or change such improvements or alterations at the expense of the plot owner; or in any event, at any time, in its judgment and opinion, they become unsightly.
Improprieties. It is of the utmost importance that there should be strict observance of all of the proprieties of the cemetery, whether embraced in these rules or not, as no improprieties shall be allowed, and the management shall have the power to prevent improper assemblages.
Trespassers. Only the plot owner and his or her relatives shall be permitted on the cemetery plot. Plots are sacred and private property and must not be invaded. Any other person thereon shall be considered a trespasser, and the Cemetery shall owe no duty to said trespasser to keep the property or the memorial theron in a reasonably safe condition.
Children. Children under fifteen years of age shall not be permitted within the cemetery or its buildings unless accompanied by an adult.
Pets. Pets are not permitted inside the cemetery gates or inside its buildings.
Notices and Advertisements. No signs or notices or advertisements of any kind shall be allowed in the cemetery unless placed by the Cemetery.
Deadly weapons. No firearms or deadly weapons are permitted within the cemetery except by law enforcement.
Cemetery Plants, Flowers, and Animal Life. All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, either wild or cultivated, or breaking trees, shrubbery or plants or from disturbing the birds or other animal life.
Loitering. Persons other than plot owners or relatives shall not be permitted to loiter in the cemetery or in any of the buildings.
Littering. The throwing of rubbish on any part of the cemetery grounds or in the buildings is prohibited. Receptacles for trash material are located at convenient places throughout the cemetery.
Smoking. Smoking within any of the cemetery buildings is prohibited.
Automobiles. Automobiles shall not be driven through the grounds at a greater speed than fifteen miles per hour and must always be kept on the right-hand side of the roadways. Automobiles are not allowed to park in front of an open interment site unless the occupants are attending the service at that site.
Peddling or Soliciting. Peddling of flowers or plants or soliciting the sale of any commodity other than by employees of the cemetery is prohibited within the confines of the cemetery. Solicitation of any kind is forbidden at any time in the cemetery without the approval of the Cemetery.